Jesus – The Light of the World

Just as the sun shines its beautiful life-giving light upon the earth, so God shines into our hearts the light of His glory and His love. We were meant to have that light shining into and through our lives.

“For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ”  (2 Corinthians 4:6)

If we look at the natural world around us we see the trees of the woods, the grass and crops of the fields, and all the beautiful flowers. What do they do to keep the sun shining on them? They do nothing; they simply bask in the sunshine when it comes. The sun is millions of miles away, but over all that distance it comes, bringing light and joy. We depend on the sun, with its life-giving light. We need it for our very existence. Do we do anything for it? No, we simply count on it, receive it, and enjoy it.

The only difference between nature and grace is this, what the trees and the flowers do unconsciously, as they drink in the blessing of the light; is for us, through faith, to be a willing and open vessel for accepting His love and grace. God’s light is infinitely brighter and more beautiful than the sun.

Just as the trees and the flowers day after day stand soaking up the sunshine, growing in beauty and fruitfulness, so it should be with our Christian life just to abide in the light of God, letting it fill us with Love. You may ask, can it really be that simple to bask in the light of our Lord’s love? Yes, it can be when we open the shutters of our hearts to God. God’s light will dispel the darkness in our lives. The light of God in our lives will be an unceasing source of joy and gladness. Through His light, His grace, we will blossom and bear fruit.

Faith, simple faith in God’s word and love, is to be the opening of the eyes, the open

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