Anger…and what to do about it.

Whether you’ve lost a close loved one, a relationship, or the life you wanted, those losses have to be grieved, and one of the side effects is anger.   So, we have to find a way to express our anger that helps us heal, but doesn’t cause others the need to.      … More Anger…and what to do about it.

“But why, God?”

It may be hoping a spouse will change and recommit to a marraige, and they don’t.  It may be a job that we truly want and don’t get.   Even though some things very dear to our hearts are denied, let’s not lose hope.   … More “But why, God?”

Everlasting Joy

“I began hanging out with the wrong crowd, making the wrong decisions, & living a life that I honestly had no clue where it was going. I stopped reading my bible, I stopped going to church, I even stopped praying. But let me tell you one thing, God never stopped showing me that he was still there holding my hand.” … More Everlasting Joy

The Road Ahead

“It’s hard to believe in someone you can’t see. It’s hard to believe in a place you can’t see. But I think it’s even harder to believe in what we can see; to believe that this is all there is.” … More The Road Ahead